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Thursday, December 12, 2019

All the shah kings of Nepal from Prithvi Narayan Shah to Gyanendra shah

The king of Nepal also traditionally known as "maharajdhiraj" i.e. king of kings or great king were from shah dynasty .These kings used to serve as head of state and monarch from 1768 A.D. to 2008 A.D until they were abolished by the 1st constituent assembly on 28 may,2008 A.D ending the 240 year old rule .The kingdom of Nepal was founded on 25th September,1768 A.D. by Prithvi Narayan shah, king of Gorkha.

List of kings of Nepal :

1. Prithvi Narayan shah :

 Life span :1723-1775 (age:52)                 
Reign started:25th September ,1768
Reign ended:11 January ,1775
Father/Mother: Nara Bhupal Shah /Kaushalyawati
Important contributions /Major achievements:He was the first one in the line of kings to start and establish the base for unification campaign. Divya Upadesh(Divine counsel ) to his descendants.Victory over Kathmandu valley ,Nuwakot and Makwanpur.Build nine storey Basantapur Durbar and seven storey Durbar ,the Ranga Mahal and Tilanga house in Nuwakot.

2. Pratap Singh Shah:

 Life span :1751-1777(age:26)
Reign started:11 January ,1775
Reign ended:17 November ,1777
Father/Mother: Prithvi Narayan shah/Narendra Rajya Laxmi
Important contributions /Major achievements:He instigated war with Sikkim but lost.He began the tradition of having a pillar(linga) in Indrajatra and organized the conference of Sanskrit scholars attended by 12 different countries.

3. Rana Bahadur Shah:

 Life span :1775-1806(age:30)
Reign started:17 November,1777
Reign ended:8 march ,1799 (abdicated)
Father/Mother:Pratap Singh Shah/Rajendra Laxmi Shah
Important contributions /Major achievements:The famous Dharahara and Sundhara were built during his reign .During his rule Nepal's border was extended from Kashmir to Sikkim,and from the Himalayas in the north to Agra, Bengal and Bihar in south.

4. Girvan Yuddha Bikram Shah:

 Life span :1797-1816(age:19)
Reign started:8 march ,1799
Reign ended:20 November ,1816
Father/Mother: Rana Bahadur Shah/Kantavati Devi
Important contributions /Major achievements:Anglo -Nepal war fought with the British. Sugauli treaty of 1816 signed from both sides.

5. Rajendra Bikram Shah:

 Life span :1813-1881(age:67)
Reign started:20 November ,1816
Reign ended:12 may ,1847(abdicated)
Father/Mother: Girvan Yudh Bikram shah/Gorakhsya Rajya Laxmi Devi
Important contributions /Major achievements:Slavery abolished.Various economic reforms introduced.Various Kot massacre,Bhandarkhal massacre and Alou massacre which gave rise to Rana regime.

6. Surendra Bikram Shah:


 Life span :1829-1881(age :51)
Reign started:12 May,1847
Reign ended:17 May, 1881
Father/Mother: Rajendra Bikram Shah/Samrajya Laxmi Devi
Important contributions /Major achievements:renovation of Swayambhu stupa. Abolishment of witchcraft from Kathmandu to Birgunj and Bhaktapur to Thankot were built.

7. Prithvi Bir BiKram Shah:


 Life span :1875-1911(age:36)
Reign started:17 May ,1881
Reign ended:11 December,1911
Father/Mother: Trailokya shah,crown prince of Nepal/Lalit Rajeswori Rajya Laxmi Devi Shah
Important contributions /Major achievements:Automobile was introduced to the country.High court and colleges were established.Nepal was recognized as sovereign country. Sati system was abolished.Nepal took part in the world war in the favor of British.

8. Tribhuvan Bir Bikram Shah:


 Life span :1906-1955 (age:48)
Reign started:11 December ,1911
Reign ended:13 March ,1955
Father/Mother: Prithvi Bir Bikram Shah/ Divyeshwari Laxmi Devi Shah
Important contributions /Major achievements:End of the Rana regime.Democracy was brought to the country.Also known as 'father of nation'.

9. Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah:


 Life span :1920-1972 (age:51)
Reign started:14 ,march ,1955
Reign ended:31 ,January,1972
Father/Mother: Tribhuvan Bir Bikram Shah/Kanti Rajya Laxmi Devi
Important contributions /Major achievements:Nepal became a member of UNO (United Nations) and diplomatic relationship with different countries were established.Introduced Panchayat system where the king had direct control over cabinet and people.

10. Birendra Bir Bikram Shah:


 Life span :1944-2001 (age:56)
Reign started:31 January ,1972
Reign ended:1 June ,2001 (assassinated)
Father/Mother: Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah/Indra Rajya Laxmi Devi
Important contributions /Major achievements:He announced Nepal as a democratic country in 1990 and then a new constitution in 1940.The 20 year health plan was executed and a new education plan was introduced. Panchayat system was abolished and a multi-party system was established.

11. Dipendra Bir Bikram Shah:


 Life span :1971-2001 (age:29)
Reign started:1 June ,2001
Reign ended:4 June ,2001 (declared brain dead)
Father/Mother: Birendra Bir Bikram shah/Aishwarya Rajya Laxmi Devi Shah
Accused of royal massacre in June 1,2001.King for the shortest duration in history of Nepal.

12. Gyanendra Bir Bikram Shah:


 Life span :7 July 1947 (age:72 )
Reign started:4 June ,2001
Reign ended:28 may ,2008 (disposed)
Father/Mother: Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah/Crown princess Indra
Important contributions /Major achievements:He was crowned twice ,1st in 1950 during Rana regime and again after the death of Dipendra. Important figure in Mahendra trust for nature conservation and has worked alongside the world wide fund.Last Shah monarch.

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