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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

India passes its citizenship amendment bill 2019



              Summary   :                        

(Amit Shah ,President of BJP)
BJP's flag



 The bill originally proposed in the Lok Shaba on 9th December, 2019 by current ruling majority party Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)'s presdient Amit Shah that amends the Citizenship act,1955 to make illegal migrants who are Sikhs,Hindus,Buddhists,Jains,Parsis and Christians (non-Muslim communities) who entered on or before 31st December 2014 from Afghanistan ,Pakistan and Bangladesh eligible for Indian citizenship. Previously under this act, an applicant must have resided in India during last 12 months and for 11 of the previous 14 years.The new bill however reduces this 11 year requirement from 11 years to 5 years for person belonging to the same six religion and three countries.The bill however exempts the tribal area of Assam ,Mizoram,Meghalaya and Tripura included in the sixth schedule of the constitution from its applicability.

The union cabinet cleared the bill on 4th ,December,2019.It was passed by the Lok Sabha on 10th,Dec,2019 and subsequently in the Rajya Sabha on 11th,Dec,2019.The bill also provides that the registration of Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) cardholders may be cancelled if they violate any laws notified by the central government.

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