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Monday, December 9, 2019

"OBESITY" an ever growing problem with no halt whatsoever. Here is why?Exploring some basic and fundamental reasons in modern times.

"OBESITY" an ever growing problem with no halt whatsoever.

    WHO(world health organization ) defines obesity or overweight "as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health".In terms of scientific terms it can be defined as a condition where BMI (Body Mass Index )of an individual is generally 30 or more.To calculate the BMI of any individual ,divide your weights in pounds by your height in inches squared and multiply by 703,or,divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared.

And find your current status from the following, as the result may be.Hope its fine. Hope.yes, because according to data provided by WHO worldwide obesity has tripled since 1975.And as in 2016 ,39% of adults aged 18 years and over were overweight and 13% were obese.41 million children under the age of 5 were overweight or obese in 2016.Alarming yet?

Image result for obesity           Image result for obesity

Most of the population in countries in the world have been found to be living in countries where overweight kills more people than underweight.

So why has this alarming problem still not touched our consciousness yet? well ,its because some people simply dont want to change the way it is,including you if it was not fine back then.Big fast food companies dont want us (people) to realize the fact that a slow poison is being inserted to our food everyday.Big app developer ,gaming companies and tech developer too dont want their customer(us) to realize that a big chunk of our time is being killed everyday.Doing nothing .Yes no matter whatever the feeling of achievement may be from social media and games ,we actually at the end of the day do nothing spending soo much of our precious time.They want us to stick to their products which as not only a causing inactive period but also hampering the very mobile nature of the human evolution itself.
Image result for addiction of fast food and mobiles  Related image

Image result for addiction of fast food and mobiles  Related image

However a sole blame cant be put just on giants only.Because no one sells poison until he expects a customer.We at last ,as a consumer and a responsible parents,guardian and citizen have a free choice whether to take things being served or not.But due to continuous brain washing from advertisements,pressure from peer groups, social media flexing ,total taste craving and random ignorance has made us so foolish enough to choose the danger and deaths of ourselves ,our loved ones and others.
The increasing use of trends,imaginary cool life, need of unwanted attention,easy availability of wrong things has been able to make a smart and intelligent species like humans to glorify their misdeeds,wrongful life and foolishness.
The first step towards better self ,for anyone is realization.Lets give a little more time to ourselves ,a little more attention to our health,a little more love to our life and little more care to our loved ones.At last no matter however old the proverb might be but the words "health is wealth" is equally relevant to our time as well.
#lets start a little more
I have started, will you?

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